That one time I got scammed II

by - 11:22 AM

I was going through multiple things at the same time, and I just felt like a ghost. The next morning I texted Mr vox pop for the details of the whole thing - outfit, time and where. He didn't reply on time. I had also texted him the night before, but I didn't check my phone again cos I wasn't feeling well. So in the morning, when he hadn't still replied, I reached out to him again. When he answered, I knew there was no way I could get there on time anymore but I still hurried. And of course, I got stuck in traffic. There was a marathon race going on and the roads were packed. I texted to tell him and he just started talking to me so rudely. He went on and on about how I was not keeping to time and people were waiting. That just ruined my mood. I decided that I would just go back if he talked to me anyhow in person. 
I finally got there and I wasn't actually late. He was the only one there. The rest of his “crew” weren't there. He spoke to me like that for what exactly?🚩 That passed. After a few minutes, he asked me what I was doing to my hair and face.🚩 I was very confused because I asked and he told me to just come. Did he expect me to come with a makeup artist?  I told him he didn't mention anything of that sort to me and that also passed.

We started to shoot without the remaining people. The first couple of times weren't so good because I was literally sick and angry that I had let him speak to me in such a demeaning manner. I started to get over it, and I got the hang of being in front of a camera that's not my phone’s. We got an intro that he approved and next, he said we had to interview a few people. This was when all the madness started. From the beginning, I kind of sensed that he was looking for cheap labour (Me). Yes, I'm stunning as a stun gun and the camera loves me (Lmao), but he was too persistent. I am not a selfish person and so 50k for two days wasn't going to be too small.

Another thing I perceived was that the whole project was all over the place. It was a group of people who didn't know what they wanted. I'm not sure they thought it through. They probably just saw money and dove right into it.

We were supposed to talk to just a few people and call it a day and my job was just to “interview” people. Instead, this dude had me running up and down, begging people to answer stupid questions. I was on my feet, in the sun and hungry for hours. He told me we were only going to be there for a few hours. I spent the whole day there. At some point, he went into his car, gave the camera to his boy and told us to continue. Lmao. I'm trying really hard not to call him an asshole or a douchebag or both. To make things worse, he randomly made comments about me being “weak”. I was sick and didn't want to disappoint the asshole but he spent the whole day calling me weak and soft. 

I was in that sun all day and I didn't get paid for all the work I did that day.  I didn't want to say anything about it because I thought it would look greedy. The next day, I woke up early and went again. This time I was eager to work and be done with it. I already knew what to expect and I was feeling a little bit better than the previous day. This time we went to about three locations or so. When I got to the first one, I was the only one there. I wasn't going to let anyone talk crap to me about being late so I got there very early. The others finally came as I started to get fed up with waiting. I kept waiting for the photographer dude to show up but he didn't. Throughout the second day, he wasn't around🚩. I didn't even get any reasonable reason why he wasn't around but I didn't probe. 

I still hadn't gotten my money so I just assumed I'd be getting the full pay after everything that day. While we were at it, my partner called to check up on me and he persuaded me to ask for my money which I did. I started to pressure him for my money when he said he would pay after the gig, so he sent me half of the money (25k). That day I worked my ass off more than any other person there. I convinced a lot of guys to get interviewed. I assured people they would see the results of the videos after everything because I was confident they would. I wanted to watch myself too. The day before, we were working with getting about 20 people interviewed and gradually and cunningly, they increased it. We might have ended up talking to about 100 people or more in total. I'm not very sure. They were very uncertain about what they needed and somehow, I suffered for it.

After finally getting everything we needed, somebody on their team came and said she wanted more. Lmao. She didn't only want more. She twisted the interview question. It was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. It's almost as bad as my secondary school experience🥴. When we finally finished up, we all got food and went home. I waited and waited for my balance. I didn't see anything. I texted oga vox pop and he sent me a screenshot along with messages basically telling me I'm not getting anything else. I asked for my money nicely and up till today, I haven't gotten it. It's been a year. I get irritated when I see Cussons baby anywhere. My friends told me to drag him on Twitter and Instagram but I don't want that kind of attention and it's just 25k. That money can't fix all the problems he has. Want me to drop his name so you can know who avoid?

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