Let's catch up

by - 1:09 PM



Yeah, I know. I've been AWOL and I intend on making this quick and as explanatory as possible. I'm writing this at 12:38 am even though I actually started writing this during the day in my head. What has been going on? I'm not sure. I needed space. Enough space from everything and anything that could affect my health - both physical and mental. I deleted some of my social media apps for a while and I didn't really talk to a lot of people too. The only thing missing was my inability to stay away from the office because of work.

Do I hate my job? Not exactly. It's the circumstances that surround it that I hate. The hours I spend on the road in traffic and the toll it takes on my health. The emotional and sexual harassment I can't do anything about. On some days, I actually enjoy working. I get to create content. I get to write.

Speaking of writing...you know how I always say writing is my escape? I got a writing job that made it feel like torture. Lmao. I hated every bit of it and I'm never going back. But recently I got another one that gave me the rush I get when I write. That's why I'm still awake now writing and not watching girlfriends on Netflix. 

Another reason I've been away is because of my health. I think I've fallen ill about three consecutive times now in the last three months. Every time I don't write here, I miss it. I go back and read my old articles. 

So basically, work has been crazy and my body needed a break. But I'm back now and we'll catch up properly in my next post. My birthday is a few weeks and even though I'm not as excited as I’d normally be (maybe because I'm older now...idk), I'm extremely grateful to God for life. Things that I didn't even dream of touching are mine. Somehow, things just fall into place and I'm pretty sure the new year is going to be even more amazing. Thanks for reaching out and for sticking with me. I appreciate it. 

PS: My next post would be on Monday!

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  1. Nice to hear from you and know you are doing better.

  2. Happy you're back. Love you!❤️

  3. Welcome back🥳. I'm glad you're doing okay and I pray God that has healed you will make you whole in Jesus name
