Bee’s Banter

by - 1:28 PM

Hey guys! How’s this self isolation thing treating you? Me? I’m so tired. Don’t get me wrong...I’m a home body. Going out isn’t really my style but getting a compulsory holiday just hits different. I don’t go out a lot but I’ve learnt to create a balance and if that balance gets altered it messes with me. I can be indoors for a week but the next week I need to go out even if it’s for a few hours because my brain starts to feel like it’s melting. I need to see colors and patterns and people and have new experiences that’d help my inspiration. These inspirations influence my writing so that they aren’t in one direction. Sorry...the talk is getting too much but it’s not like you have anywhere to be😂. I’m just trying to say that right now...we can only do so much to stay sane. 

Since we can’t leave our houses to have new experiences, I felt we could just make do with the ones we’ve already had—memories. I love you guys too much to leave you hanging so I’d tell you a story😋. I always have stories to tell and I like to think I tell the best stories😏. I’d be telling you about something that happened to me three years ago. Just know that I was younger and please don’t judge me! 
Some people that know me personally know that I used to model (I don’t really do anymore...long story). I wanted to join this modelling agency so I went for the audition at this hotel around school. I’m not going to mention the name because a lot of people might know it. Anyways, I was at the audition and since it was at a hotel, they had guests. There were a lot of people moving in out of the place and there was this particular sketchy looking dude. He kept staring at me until he finally walked up to me. He claimed he was into hairstyling and I believed him instantly cos I just didn’t want to judge based on his looks. I probably wasn’t going to patronise him but I didn’t want to be rude so I exchanged numbers with him and went back to the waiting area. We had all been interviewed but we were waiting to get our pictures taken and so some of us were just outside talking. I was talking to a guy outside and then he called my attention to the fact that the “hairstylist” had been walking back and forth just so I’d notice him. See...I was doing a good job of pretending to not see him until the guy I was with mentioned it. 

Long story short, he came to me again and it turned out he wasn’t even a stylist of any sort. Here’s the crazy part guys. Remember the audition was in a hotel? This guy had a room and it was on a floor that had no guests. Well, the floor was really silent. If there was any other room that was taken, it’d be just one or two. 
Anyways, I had to talk to him because he was making everything seem weird and a lot of people knew he was standing there because of me. 
I don’t know why I followed him but he kept insisting that he just wanted privacy because of the number of people that were outside. This guy was walking in front of me and I was trying to keep up because I walk like a snail. Before I knew it, we had gone up two floors. Please why did I follow a strange man up two floors for no reason?? Nobody even knew where I was. People who take advantage of soft people need to be jailed!  This guy opened his mouth to talk and he totally got me. He said something about him needing my help and that he didn’t have any other option. He kept on begging and begging and my stupid self agreed without even understanding what he needed me to do.
Turned out this guy needed me to talk to a “client” for him😭. That’s what they’re called right? “Clients”.  Y’all...I was so scared when I realised! He needed me to talk to an old white man that was supposed to send him money. I was supposed to be the lady the old man had been chatting with. What’s worse than scared? I was it! I was in a place where absolutely no one would hear me even if I screamed. Even though I insisted on staying in the hallway, his friend inside the room kept asking me to come in. 
Come in to do what now??  What was even more irritating was the fact that this guy kept promising to buy me pizza. Pardon my French but WTF??!
I’m too nice...that’s my problem.
God came through for me that day. I just kept telling Him I couldn’t help the guy defraud anybody and for some reason there was just no network. I told him I’d come back when the network got better. Come back? God forbids it! May our eyes not see evil!

Till I come your way with more exciting gists😂😊Don’t forget to comment, share and wash your hands guys!  This virus has absolutely nothing on us because :

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalms 46:1).

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  1. Thank youuu for this sweet gist😹😹😹😹😹. I’d love to read more gists abeg 😹😹.

  2. Awww,nojudgement here, we all do something at one point or several times lol that we look back and think what was I thinking. On the bright side should we celebrate that you were safe and didn't become an accomplice to fraud *winks*
